Friday, July 8, 2016

July 7 and 8, 2016

We arrived at Detroit Metro at 3:00 and found out our 6:20 flight was delayed 3 times until 7:45 p.m. We were not sure if we would make our connecting flight from Toronto to Warsaw. We got a wheel chair for my mom and Jeff ran and pushed my mom while the rest of us ran to our gate. We got to the gate as they were boarding!! We made it. 
We made it to Warsaw on July 8 at 12:20 their time! 
We saw 3 air force one planes at the Chopin Airport so we knew President Obama had arrived on July 7. 

Obama was staying across from us at the  Marriot Hotel. The "Policiza" were at every corner and roads were closed! 
The 28 NATO heads of state from different countries were invited to participate in the summit meetings. Albania, Greece, France, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Poland, USA, Turkey and more.

The city was very cosmopolitan. There were high rise buildings, McDonalds, KFC, HM, Deloite and more. 
Much of Warsaw was rebuilt after the war. There was the City Center with an Orthodox synagogue still there. 
In the evening we went there for Shabbat services. It was a very moving Orthodox service. My mom met a woman from France and her mother was a survivor of the Holocaust. My mom met another woman who was born in Lodz and now lives in Orlando. 
We also went to Frydereyk Chopin's Museum. 
Our taxi took us to Chopin's house and University as well. 

Here are a few more photos in Warsaw. 








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